The Scotch Siren

House Of Mirrors

November 12, 2022

…april 2022

Three years have gone by since The Scotch Siren emerged. April of 2019, she emerged from the old world into the new. It does not seem possible that 3 years have passed. Have I documented my adventures with the drams that have participated through these trialsome years. No. It has been all I can do in some days to get out of Pajamas and put other clothes on. The pandemic has been a challenging time for me and perhaps others too, but I can only speak for myself.
Reclusiveness, anxiety, longing to have a conversation or just feel safe to be around others. These are only a few things that I have wrestled with in the last couple of years. And then I look at when I started this series for my love of the dram and all that entails and it boggles my mind that 3….shaking my head…3 years have passed since I had the wonderful adventure with my friend to where I am in this moment at 2 am writing how like a sheet of black ice on the highway it just suddenly slipped off the pavement to have 3 years go by already?  What a great reminder to stay on course and not let the changes of life totally steer me off course to strand me for too long. You must seize the changing of the seasons and life for that matter to continually move and flow with the current. Do not become stagnate and continue to be complacent or hibernate. There is too much life to live and too many chapters to write.

…six months later… nov 2022

Just found my 2 am reminder for myself. So, I shall impart a new pep talk and attempt to follow my own advice…
Do not wait for time to show you a path or give you direction…it is an illusion in a house of mirrors. Live life through the eyes of your soul. Grab every day with both hands clenched around it with conviction and courage, not surrendering to complacency or fear.
Truly live.

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