Conscious Living

BE you

March 8, 2018

Just BE who you want to BE and not what everyone else wants you to be.   Then, in every moment, you create the extension of your heart, your story, of who you are choosing to BE.   You will feel no judgment or confusion in walking in that.  Only the truth in knowing that you are exactly who you are choosing to BE and that you are creating the story that you desire.  Everything and Everyone you encounter are exactly as you have written it to BE.

The heart knows who it chooses to BE and what it DESIRES.  Allow it.  Walk in it.  See it.  Feel it.  Breathe it. Accept it.

Only when you guard yourself from who you truly are, is when you cease to BE.

Only when you react in fear is when you surrender your TRUTH.

Walk in LOVE.

Embrace your SELF.

You are the creator of your STORY.

Have courage and tell your story from within…from the HEART.





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